Central Texas Storybooks

Central Texas Stories and Legends

Letters From Addie

Preface and Table of Contents

Previous page: Chapter 1: Addie Makes a Choice
Next page: Chapter 3: The Journey Begins in Saltillo

Chapter 2: Addie's Calling and Confirmation, 1884

Life History of Adeline "Addie" Cox Barton

When going through Addie's personal papers after her death, a family member came across a piece of yellowed paper written in Addie's hand. Upon opening the folded paper, they found the following document. This life history was written at the request of the then-named Foreign Mission Board. Apparently, it was written in or about 1893. The Board required all missionaries who served with them to write their life history. The letter is from the archives of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, Richmond, Virginia.

Life History
Adeline (Addie) Cox Barton

Reared and educated at Salado, Texas. Delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son in 1880. The Lord through the death of little sister, Eva, led me to a dedication of myself to Him and to His cause.

When in anguish of soul on account of my spiritual condition I promised Him that if He would send me peace that I would go to China or anywhere for Him. This impression increased and my longing desire was to do something for the Master. Hearing my father say one day that Mexico was being opened up to the Gospel I secretly longed and prayed to go.

In 1883 God in His providence sent Gen. A. F. Hawthorne, Texas Agent for Foreign Missions, to see me. When my mother told me that the object of his visit was to ascertain if I thought of becoming a missionary, I knew He who had implanted the desire in my heart had opened the way.

Came to Mexico in 1884. Taught in Saltillo and Patos till 1887 when I went to Zacatecas and in 1892 to Guadalajara returning to Saltillo in 1893.

On account of sins, mistakes and ignorance, I have done but little for the Master, but the Lord has done much for me in giving me through His Holy Spirit and blessed word a fuller and richer knowledge of the Lord Jesus and I believe He will let me do yet "greater things" through Him and for Him.

Addie's Appointment Letter

Addie's appointment letter was handwritten by Mr. Tupper. The original letter is housed at the Bell County Museum in Belton, Texas.

Foreign Mission Rooms, S.B.C.
H.A. Tupper, Corresponding Secretary

Richmond Va., May 17 1884

Miss Addie Barton
Salado, Texas

Dear Miss Barton

It gives me pleasure to inform you you that our Board has appointed you as a Missionary and Teacher at Saltillo, Mexico with a salary of $600. I have informed Mr. Powell of the appointment. He will no doubt communicate with you. He being the Treasurer of the Missions will draft your Salary, with other expenditures of the Mission, and will pay it to you as a way be desired by you.

That the Holy Spirit ways go with you in this great and good work is the prayer of

Yours very truly,
H. A. Tupper

Letter to Addie's Mother from W. D. Powell

Rev. William D. Powell was in charge of the Saltillo Mission. He, Mrs. Powell, and Mrs. Powell's sister, Miss Annie J. Mayberry, were appointed as missionaries on May 31, 1882. Mr. Powell's immediate responsibility was to establish the Madero Institute of Saltillo. He and Addie worked together for a number of years building the Institute into one of the most outstanding female colleges in Mexico. It was named for Evaristo Madero Elizondo, the governor of Coahuila from 1880 to 1884. Madero supported the founding of the Institute and served as its first president.

(3) 96-51-379

Saltillo, July 8, 1884

Dear Sister Barton,

I have felt a desire for sometime of writing to you and will embrace this opportunity. We find all the work which willing hands can do. The cause progresses unceasingly. We have baptisms every week.

Sister Addie seems to be well pleased with her new surroundings. Of course the novelty has not run off as yet. Her teacher has just informed me that she is making remarkable progress in acquiring the language. The Mexicans all love her. She presides at the organ and sings the songs just like a native. The children both love her and we are as if we had always been one family. She is just as a Sister to us and I shall ever strive to be as a Brother to her. We have a grand and noble work before us. May God give us grace and strength to meet the demands which are upon us. We have trials and rebuffs but this you know should only drive us closer to the Cross. I verily believe that the trials incident to missionary life are conducive to nearness to God.

Pray for us that we may ever be found faithfully battling for Jesus. Already Miss Addie has commenced to visit many the members and I am sure we shall have in her a most valuable coworker. We remember you all each night in our family devotion. Miss Addie is also a great help to me in relieving me of much of the heavy correspondence connected with the mission. She writes a splendid letter. I have only to give her the letter and state the kind of answer to make and it is well done. I now have twenty-five to thirty hands working in the college. The school will open Oct. 1st.

Much love to all the family and friends. Write often.

Yours in Christian love,
W. D. Powell

By Charlene Ochsner Carson
Page last updated: November 1, 2018

Previous page: Chapter 1: Addie Makes a Choice
Next page: Chapter 3: The Journey Begins in Saltillo

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