Central Texas Storybooks

Central Texas Stories and Legends

Letters From Addie

Preface and Table of Contents

Previous page: Chapter 5: A New Year in Saltillo
Next page: Chapter 7: Good News for Guadalajara

Chapter 6: Missionary Zeal in Zacatecas, 1887

Addie went to Zacatecas in the spring of 1887. Zacatecas is the capital of the state of the same name. It is located approximately 125 miles northwest of Mexico City. When Addie was in Zacatecas, it was considered as "a city out in the middle of nowhere." Nevertheless, it is an area rich in natural resources. It is best known for its ancient silver mines and its bountiful agricultural products. In her letter of April 23, 1887, Addie wrote of the "nice fruit we have here." She mentioned that the oranges and bananas cost a penny each, but the melons cost a dollar each.

In her letter dated May 13, 1887, Addie wrote of the first baptism in the state of Zacatecas. Most of Addie's letters written while in Zacatecas indicate that Zacatecas and nearby Aguascalientes were fertile fields for missionary work. She seemed to write with a renewed excitement as she wrote about her work in this frontier area of Mexico. Perhaps it was because she was doing more missionary work and less school teaching. She welcomed the change. Also, while in Zacatecas, Addie celebrated her 29th birthday. In her letter of August 23, 1887, Addie describes her birthday celebration dinner.

(64) 96-51-431

April 11th 1887
Monday Morning

Dear Mother,

The workmen have come this morning to repair the house. I have written to you I suppose of our house. We have a nice situation in the center of the city. Have five rooms up stairs.

Mrs. McCormick has sick headache this morning, has it nearly every week, has always been subject to it.

I wish you could hear Mr. McCormick preach and understand him. He just goes for the Catholics. He is among our strongest men in Mexico. He said in his sermon the other night, "If I should come to this city and set up a whiskey shop and lead men, women, and children to hell there is not a priest in this city who would say ought against me but when I come preaching the Bible which they themselves recognize as the pure word of God then they are ready to lay violent hands on me."

We have received three candidates for baptism but have had no baptisms yet. You can't imagine the ignorance of these people. You ask one if he is a Christian. Yes, he is a member of the Roman Catholic church, he attends mass, makes confession to the priest, but you tell him of Christ and true religion he looks at you in astonishment and says he never head that before. There are about 500 priests in this city. This last week was Holy Week. Thursday every one was dressed in gay colors and Friday every one in black when Christ was crucified. Mrs. Mc and I went to the Cathedral just to see. We were told twice to take our hats off. Mrs. Mc commenced to obey but I told her she should do nothing of the kind.

I bought me a carpet last week. My furniture from Saltillo will be here I suppose this week.


Ma please write.

Addie was sent to Zacatecas and Aguascalientes in April 1887. We know that she wrote the following letter from Zacatecas because in it she mentions neighboring Aguascalientes and Mr. McCormick, the pastor at Zacatecas. Her previous letter from Zacatecas was dated April 11, and she wrote this one five days after her arrival, which would be April 16 at the latest. D. A. and Mrs. Wilson, who she mentions, were assigned to Guadalajara, where they were given the challenge of beginning a Baptist work.1

(109) 96-51-47

Dear Mother,

We have had four services in the five days since we have been here with splendid congregations. We were fortunate in having three members to begin on. Poor Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had to go to a big city with nothing to begin on. I have not yet heard from them.

We will go to our house tomorrow and have our meals sent from hotel which will be cheaper as would have to buy stove and everything which would cost a great deal.

My trunks just arrived today. We are anxious to get settled and to get to work. As you know our work is in Aguas Calientes too, a city the name of which means Hot Water where there are hot baths. It is about 3 hours ride on train from here. We were appointed there but it seems that the Northern Board has sent a man there too, so I do not know yet if it will fall to the Southern or Northern Board.

What are Welborn and Ruth doing? I think of you all every day. I pray that you may be spared to them for many years.

Ma, just use the money I sent if you want to. There is no use in leaving it at Roy's or Elliott's for their free use, and I don't know when I can get anything sent, not till I come I guess. You might send one Baptist and Herald with some of it.

I am in Mrs. McCormick's room writing. She is studying Spanish and Mr. Mc is out fixing to get in our house tomorrow.

Write soon. I answered Henry's letter and begged him for some money. If he answers send letter.


(65) 96-51-432

April 23rd 1887

Dear Mother,

We had our first baptisms last night. Six persons received baptism, two more candidates awaiting. We are very much encouraged in the work here. I am enjoying the change from so much school work, but I would enjoy it more if I had some one to visit with me. It is not always convenient for Mrs. McCormick to go out with me and as I can't go on the street alone I can't always go.

We have bought carpets for our rooms but are still sleeping in pallets.

I hope you all have had rain before now. It has rained once since we have been here. We are all perfectly well. Our meals are sent from the Hotel yet. Board is $25.00 a month but we only have meals sent for two persons and we each pay a third of $50.00 which makes our Board cheaper and we always have enough left to give to beggars, but they send us the same dishes every day. I pay extra $2.40 a month for two glasses of milk each day.

Saturday night

I wish you could have some of the nice fruit we have here. Mrs. Mc and I went to the market this afternoon and bought some for Sunday. They have watermelons, mush melons, oranges, bananas, coconuts, lemons, limes, sugar cane and many other fruits that I have never seen before, and the fruits are all very cheap, oranges and bananas about a cent each. Melons are dear yet - a dollar each.

Tell Bob I just read today his piece in the journal about the operation on Tommie Vannoy.


(65) 96-51-432 p.2

Monday Morning
April 25th 1887

Dear Emma,

Your letter just received, but I haven't anything to write. I must hurry and get something to send to our paper for the May Number.

I send you a copy of our first number and you may read my letter if you can. The piece signed H. P. M. is by Mr. McCormick.

Tell George that when I do come home I want to stay several months. Tell Kate Taylor to write me. I would love dearly to hear from her and that she has nothing to do now but to write to her friends. Mr. and Mrs. McCormick and I read together at night. Mr. McCormick is such a splendid preacher. I think I will learn much from him. Don't be uneasy when you don't hear from me. I am farther from home now.


I am not at the hotel yet direct letters simply

Addie Barton

In her letter dated July 28, 1886 (see Chapter 5), Addie wrote of sending her brother, Welborn, $20 so that he could come to Mexico to visit.

(87) 96-51-449



I would love for Welborn at least to come and go home with me. If he still has the $20.00 that I sent him and with the other $30.00 I sent for clothes he could come.

He has been so anxious to come. Can you come alone Welborn? We could see all in a month and we would go home together. Zacatecas is no place for a boy to live in. I only want him to see the city and the strange things and know what I am doing here. I expect a good time to come would be about July or August. I only suggest this plan. Do as you think best, do you think he could come alone?

The following letter is from the archives of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board in Richmond, Virginia.

From Miss Barton
Illness of Bro. McCormick - Institution - Baptism

May 13, 1887

Dear Dr. Tupper

I regret to write you of the illness of Bro. McCormick. I asked the physician yesterday what I should write to Bro. McCormick's friends about his condition. He said tell them that he is now only in the seventh day of Typhoid fever and that he had seven more. The fever generally continues about fourteen days. There is much typhoid and typhus here, caused I think from an insufficient supply of water to carry off the drainage of the city.

Our best drinking water is brought on mules from "La Bufa," a mountain near by. Hundreds of men, women and children are at the fountains nearly all day, dipping up the water by the gourd full as it flows out. Sitting at the gate that leads to one of these fountains late in the afternoons one can see women with their water pots waiting for admission, and as soon as the gate is opened there is such a rush for the water that a policeman's service is needed to keep order.

About three weeks ago six persons put on Christ in baptism. The first baptism in the state of Zacatecas. Many came to witness the new scene. Some led by idle curiosity, others I believe to know and see the true baptism.

During Bro. McCormick's illness some of the faithful brethren carry on the accustomed services, two prayer meetings a week and services and Sunday school on Sunday. It will be at least a month before Bro. Mc. will be able to preach as he is already very week.

Addie Barton

(Let prayer be made for Bro. McCormick).

(67) 67-51-433

June 9th 1887

My dear brother Welborn,

Emma writes me that you are farming. I am glad to hear that you are industrious. You don't know how anxious I am about you and how often I think of you and pray for you. I want you to be a kind good and useful boy and then I will not be afraid of you growing up a wicked man. If you are a good boy then you will be a good man.

What is a bad man good for? Nothing. What is a good man good for? Everything. He is loved of God and every body. He can lead others to do good. I hope that you will learn early that you must not live for yourself alone but in living for others and making others happy is what will make you happy. May God give you a new heart for no one who has not a new heart can even go to Heaven.

Pray that God may give you one.

Sis Addie

(68) 96-51-434

Zac. June 9th 1887

Dear Emma,

Just received a letter from you which must have been written about the first of May. Why don't you all ways date your letters. Don't know why it was on the way so long.

Mr. McCormick is better, sitting up some, but seldom leaves his room, has gone in the dining room several times, don't know when he will be able to get at his work again. As soon as he is able we may go spend a few days or weeks at Aguas Calientes, at the hot springs. Mrs. Mc is in bed today with sick headache.

Oh how I would love to be with you all. The raining season has set in and it is very cool. I wear flannel thick dress and shawl. Can't wear white dresses here at all. The summer has passed. Today is a feast day called the Fruit Day. Friends send each other fruit. I never saw so much fruit as is in the market today.

My precious Ruth, I want to see my darling child so much.

Sis Addie

The Mexico Mission report for May 11, 1888 states, "Brother Wilson has been prostrated by small-pox ..." The same report states that Mr. McCormick was confined to the house for three months while recovering from typhoid fever and that during that time, "Miss Barton proved herself a tower of strength to the mission."2

(105) 96-51-470

June 10th

Dear Mother,

Have just received a postal from Mrs. Wilson saying that Mr. Wilson has smallpox, has been sick 13 days, says the Dr. says he will be up next week. She has a babe 16 days old. "As thy days so shall thy strength be." We never know what we can stand til we are tried.

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Mr. Mc is up.


(69) 96-51-435

June 16th 1887

Dear dear Mother,

I just returned this morning from a two days visit to Fresnillo a town about two hours ride on the train. Went home with a Mexican young lady who is visiting here. Did missionary work while there. Found there such a splendid building that was built about 40 years ago for a boy's college. It belongs to the government but is not now used. Now I wish it was in the hands of the Baptists and that we had it full of girls. There are about 300 rooms in it.

A Mexican woman and I go to Veta tomorrow, a town about an hours ride on a donkey. Then next week Mr. and Mrs. Mc and I go to spend a few days at Aguas Calientes at the hot springs. How I wish that you could have the benefit of the Springs instead of myself. I don't need the springs. I go because the others are going.

I can't just say when I will be at home, as much as I long to be with you all. I hate to just pick up and leave. I don't do much here, but every little helps. I hope the Lord will make me useful in His own way. I would love to be with Ruth and Welborn more while they are small. I am so anxious about them, but you will raise them right.

I have perfect health here, but it may not be good for me to come home during the hot months because it is so cool here. When I got off the train this morning someone said we are going to have a snow, but it is only in the early morning that it is so cool, and cooler at the depot. It is much higher than the city.


(70) 96-51-436

Zacatecas, Mexico
June 28th 1887

Dear Mother and Children,

We returned from Aguas Calientes Saturday. Spent four days there, but it rained all the time we were there and Mrs. McCormick was sick nearly all the time so we went out but little. I did not bathe in the hot springs. We met Bro. Gorman the Baptist missionary from the Northern Board. He is 71 years old but very strong and active. He has only been there about 3 months, was preaching several years in New Mexico and knows the language. His wife is 65.

The climate at Aguas Calientes is delightful, and with the baths it makes quite a desirable place to live. We are very anxious to establish a girl's college there. We must have a college in this part of the Republic somewhere.

There was a circus at Aguas Cal the same time we were there and the circus people put at the same hotel with us. There was among them a Mr. Bell, the clown, who had a splendid face and a very nice family. The children 6 and 5 years old performed on the trapeze. I felt moved of the Spirit to ask him to contribute to our school, told him we wanted to establish a college and that if he would contribute liberally we would educate his daughter free of charge. He said he would help us.

But Bro. Gorman is thinking also of buying school property in Aguas Calientes, besides a girl's school he will have a Theological Seminary for young preachers. He has now with him a young Mexican from the city of Mexico studying for the ministry. I wrote you about the fine college building at Fresnillo I think, but it is more than two miles from the railroad and in a small town.

Another candidate for baptism was received Sunday night. The Presbyterian Bible woman, she will make us a good worker. Mr. McCormick has to build the church, and he says he will leave the school in my hands, Oh, who will help me? I make $50.00 a month and have to spend it all. In the three years that I am in Mexico I have saved $100 and expect to put it in the school. Who in Salado will help me, tell Major Rose to send me $100. I know he can do as much as I can. I know there is no Baptist who will do less than the circus clown. I will try to raise here as much money as I can.

Welborn I wish you could go with me to Veta on a burro this week. Mrs. Cy Smith will help me too I am sure.

Love to everybody, Addie

Addie wrote of riding on a burro in an upcoming trip to Veta in her letters dated June 16 and June 28. The following undated letter mentions riding to Veta on a burro "again," so it had to have been written after June 28.

(111) 96-51-475

My Precious Baby Ruth,

I have written to all at home and I can't send the letter till I write some to you too. I will go out to Veta on a burro again this week. Don't you wish you could see me riding a burro.

What are you doing this vacation? I will give you music lessons as soon as I come home. We received our new organ for the church yesterday. It is a splendid organ. Mrs. McCormick sings and plays very sweetly.

Why don't you write to me often. Kiss Brother for me. I hope Brother is a good brother to you and that you are kind to Brother. Kiss Hamblin and Robert.

Sis Addie

Love to Mack.

The following letter is from the archives of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, Richmond, Virginia, February 28, 2005. Dr. Tupper is the Corresponding Secretary for the Foregin Mission Board.

June 30th 1887.

A Private Letter

Dear Dr. Tupper

I feel that the Lord is going to give us a Girls school for this part of the Republic. It is true that we have the Madero Institute but it cannot meet the demands of the interior of Mexico. First because the girls will not go so far from home, second because there are no railroads, no way of going except by private conveyance or stages. Here we have railroad connection with the interior northern and southern Mexico.

It was my prayer long before coming here that the Lord would give us a school, that he would provide the house and means. I believe that he has shown us the property. Some few weeks ago a young lady who was almost an entire stranger to me invited me to visit her at her home in Fresnillo. I went and did missionary work while there. In our walks, I noticed a fine building in the suburbs of the city; on asking what it was she said it was built for a Boy's College by Mr. Ortega about forty years ago, but after his death the school went down and the property went into the hands of the government. I proposed that we visit it. I was anxious to see if the Baptists couldn't turn it into use.

The house is immense. It has more than three hundred rooms. It has three main entrances. The front with large beautiful stone steps on each side then a single flight leading to the portico. The west entrance leads into a large round church room - the cupola of which has not been finished - and which would serve us for a chapel. It has two large courts and corridors besides a back court where we can keep all the chickens, pigs, cows, etc. that the college would need; besides there is a garden of fruits, flowers and vegetables in front which I think we can buy. So the culinary department would be self supporting. Just behind the college are the water works so we can have an abundant supply of water for bathrooms, etc. Shall we let such valuable property that can be bought cheap lie idle or shall we use it to the honor and glory of God.

We were in Aguas Calientes a few days last week and happened to be in the same hotel with a Circus troop. I thought instead of using all their money in Satan's cause it would be well for them to use some in the Lord's cause. I felt impressed to tell the clown, a handsome liberal looking man about our school. He gave me his address in the city of Mexico and said he would help us monthly. How many Baptists will follow the clown's example and help us with their monthly contributions?

But now to the secret!

The Northern Board is thinking of buying school property in Aguas Calientes which is only about six hours ride on the train from Fresnillo. Bro. Gorman their missionary has his eye on a fine piece of property which he can buy for about $6,000 but it does not compare with the property at Fresnillo. Bro. G. has already written to his Board about it. I too like Aguas Calientes on account of the delightful climate and splendid hot springs and it is a much larger place than Fresnillo and much more desirable every way except in the school building. The School if we place it at Fresnillo will have to depend greatly on boarders from other parts. But it is only two hours ride on train from Zacatecas.

In case Bro. Gorman does not buy in Aguas Calientes I think Bro. McCormick would be in favor of buying school property in Aguas Calientes.

What we do we must do quickly. I am not willing to sit still and let the Northern Board get ahead of us on the school. Aguas Calientes belongs to us and if we wish we can establish our school there. But we expect to work fair and peaceably. We fell in love with Bro. Gorman. He is a lovely old gentleman in his 72nd year. He expects to establish a Theological Seminary in Aguas Calientes. And I really think that as he is so old the Seminary is as much as he can attend to and that the Girls College ought to be left to us younger people.

One thing I know that we must have a girls' school in this part of the Republic and I believe the people here will help us and I know the people at home will.

Bro. McCormick is very anxious for a school, still he knows he must build the church and he had rather leave the school with me. What shall I do?

If the first part of this letter will be of any use in urging the people to give you may use it. With much love to your family I am yours in Christian love

Addie Barton

In the following letter, Addie mentions George Baines. This was the son of the Rev. George Washington Baines, the pastor of Addie's church in Salado from February 1868 to July 1877 and again from June 1881 to November 1882.3 The son was appointed to be a missionary to El Paso in April 1882 and established the First Baptist Church of El Paso.

(71) 96-51-437

Zac. July 3rd 1887
Sunday Afternoon

Dear Emma,

I received a letter from Sallie written from Salado. It has been so long since you have written I had about concluded that you were down at Sallie's visiting. What are you doing this hot weather, working and fretting your self to death I expect. Emma what makes you worry your life out? Death has to come soon to all of us and then what good will have done us all the fretting and worrying about little things.

I wish you would come and stay a few months with me and then we will go back together. Can't you come alone? Buy your ticket to El Paso and if you are tired you can stay all night or day at Bro. Geo. Baines and he will help you get your ticket and put you on the train for Zacatecas. You don't have to make any other changes after leaving El Paso. I don't know at what point you can go strait to El Paso, from Waco I suppose. Bob can find out and go with you to where you don't have to change cars any more.

As soon as we establish the College here I want you to come and help me with the boarders. I am anxious to know what we can do about a college here before leaving for home. Write me if you can come on what you think about it.


(78) 96-51-442

Zac July 3rd 1887

Dear Milde,

Eliseo a Mexican boy about ten years old comes to see me nearly every Sunday afternoon. This afternoon he has written to you the first letter he ever wrote he says.

Mr. Welborn Barton,

Dear Friend and Brother,

I write to you although I do not know you but through your sister Addie. I write. I want to study English. Your sister and I are here together. The minister of this church thinks of building a Baptist church, but there are only very few members yet. I attend church and will follow Christ in baptism soon. I will not write more because I am not prepared. I hope you will excuse this badly written letter because I do not know how to write yet. Your friend,

Eliseo Diaz

Do you not think it a very nice letter for a boy ten years old?

Zaca 3 de Julio de 1887

Don Welborn Barton, Querido Amigo Y Mie

A Presiable ermano La Saludo mucho augie No La Canosco Pero Forsu Ermanito Adela le Diregido es to carta.

Pus epensado a prender in geles. Mar agui esall ala Dis posision de usied agui eoll Lol y morermano. Yapensado el Senor Ministro poner unayglest a butista y llo e Cancurio debla Fensando seger A Cristo en milau lesno Normas gueno pueden con.

Curia Bastantes Members. Nole es cribo mas porno aber estado pre benido y ade despensar lo mal ecrito por gue nose ladalia e scribes.

Saluder Felisidades
Eliseo Diaz

The Baptist Women Mission Workers, later known as the Women's Missionary Union or WMU, was formed in 1886. Its members formed "Sunbeam Bands" or "Sunbeam Societies" to enroll children in mission studies and activities.

(72) 96-51-438

July 23rd 1887

Dear Mildie,

The Bible woman and I mounted our burros and went to La Veta yesterday. We worked hard, visited all day and had a good time, started home about six in the afternoon, when about half way it began pouring down hail and rain. It thundered and the lightening almost blinded us and the burros wouldn't move, just stood still and we had to stand and take it. I had a Mexicans burro driver's blanket around me but the woman, Guadalupe, only had her light reboso [shawl] and she didn't have a dry inch on her, completely soaked through and through. We got home around 8 o'clock at night.

I have some very nice friends here. Seven girls of us went up on the Bufa day before yesterday and I am sore from the climb.

Mr. Mc has just gone out to see about renting another house for church, one in a more central part of the city. He is very anxious for us to have a school. I may begin teaching in a few days and teach till Dec. I have just written to about 75 "Sunbeam" Societies to help us. Can't you collect a nickel for us? It is a little warm today, but has been very cold.

What are you all doing at home? We have such fine fruit here, such splendid grapes, wish I could send you some. I will try to bring some fine apple preserves with me. I wrote to you and Jarrett when I first came to Zacatecas but have not heard from either.


(73) 96-51-439 page 1 of 2

Aug 19 - 1887

Dear Emma,

I believe I have not written to you in some time. I study and visit and it keeps me busy. There is a French lady here who expects to go to the States soon and wants me to teach her English, and she will teach me French. So I will begin tomorrow, devote one hour each day to French.

Our work here is very encouraging, one candidate last night, and recently one at every service. Mr. Wilson has not had a convert, says he has a very hard field. Am afraid he will become discouraged.

We have a great deal of company. Mostly men who come to talk with Mr. Mc. The Presbyterian minister who is a Mexican is a splendid man. He comes to see us about three times a week. The Presbyterians have the finest church house in Mexico and they claim good members here in Zac. Mr. Sloan will dedicate his church in the city of Mexico about the middle of Oct or the first of November. He writes for us to come down. There is a fine artist here now and I will send you my picture for sure.


(74 & 75) 96-51-439 page 2 of 2

Aug 19 - 1887

Dear Welborn & Ruth,

My precious children, you have not written to me in some time but I never forget you. I hope we will see each other this winter if the Lord wills. We will have a good time won't we? If I come home what will we do? I expect Welborn will have me a good horse and we will ride horseback and in the buggy too, and after our ride, we will come home and study Spanish for I want you both to learn Spanish while I am at home.

Sis Addie

Dear Lula,

Your nice letter received some time ago. I am glad you and Ruth are taking music lessons and learning so much fancy work, and when I come home I expect you will want to learn to talk Spanish. I am writing with my shawl on though it is warm in the sun yet in the houses it is quite cool.

I suppose you are still at Grandma's.

Aunt Addie

In the following letter, Addie writes of celebrating her 29th birthday. She also refers to September 16, Mexican Independence Day, celebrating the day Mexico proclaimed its independence from Spanish rule in 1810. Addie described the celebration in a letter written from Saltillo on September 16, 1884 (see Chapter 3).

(76) 96-51-440

Zacatecas Mexico
Aug 23rd 1887

My dear Mother,

We have just gotten through a big birthday dinner. Today is Mr. McCormick's and my birthday. Mrs. Mc gave a splendid dinner. We had turkey, vegetables, cake, custard, grapes, peaches and cream. I do wish it was possible to send you some fruit, as I know from the drought you must have very little.

They are making grand preparations here to celebrate the 16th of September, their national day Several came around this morning to invite us to take part.

The work is very promising. Nine have been baptized and there are five candidates awaiting baptism. The Lord has blessed us and continues his blessing. Pray that He may even lead us.

Mrs. Mc sends love. We are all well.


(77) 96-51-441

Oct 3rd 1887

Dear Mother,

I must write to tell you the news that there is a baby in the house, a very fat blue-eyed girl, she came last night. Dr. Iisi was sick and Mrs. Mc had to have a Mexican doctor.

The missionary force is increasing very rapidly. Mrs. Mc, Mrs. Wilson, and Mrs. Powell all have little missionaries.

I sent Ruth a box of Mexican dulces [sweet cakes] for her birthday. I hope it will get through all right. I am glad you received the pictures. I have one for each of the family but was afraid to send them all for fear they would be lost. Mrs. Mc received a small trunk of baby clothes from the States and had to pay $38.00 duty. If the Lord provides the way I hope to see you this winter.


The following letter is from the archives of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, Richmond, Virginia, February 28, 2005.

From Miss Addie Barton

Salado Texas
August 13 1888

Dear Bro. Bell:

I am resting quietly at home amusing myself writing letters trying to stir up our people to build that church house in Zacatecas. I attended the Salado Association last week where they raised over six hundred dollars to support a missionary. Mrs. Annie Luther Bagby, the first missionary from Texas, was chosen to represent the first Texas Association that has undertaken the support of a foreign missionary.

Texas has the Missionary fever and all of its Associations are going to try to support a missionary. I hope her fever is contagious and will spread all over the Southern states. I hope some other associations will take the church building fever and let us have our churches at Zacatecas and Bahia.

Will not some brothers in each association assume the responsibility of raising what he can towards the erection of a house of worship for Zacatecas. By this means we can easily and quickly raise the amount designated by the Board. I must return to Mexico by the first of October. Can we not raise a sufficient amount by that time to begin work on the house?

Addie Barton

Rev P. H. Goldsmith was assigned to replace Rev. D. A. Wilson at Guadalajara. Addie was assigned to accompany Rev. and Mrs. Goldsmith. The annual missions report states, "Our brother and sister have been reinforced by two eminent missionaries, Miss Addie Barton, formerly of the Zacatecas mission, and Mrs. J. P. Duggan, lately from Madero Institute of Saltillo. These ladies do good work among the women and children, being experienced teachers and quite conversant with the Spanish language."4

(93) 96-51-458

Sept. 24th 1892

Dear Mother,

Mr. Goldsmith and I came up to Zac last Tuesday to be here at the annual missionary meeting - a great many of the missionaries are present and we are having such a pleasant meeting. We came together to discuss the work for the coming year. There have been several changes made. Mr. Rudd comes to Zac. Mr. McCormick goes to Morelia and perhaps you will be surprised that I go to Saltillo. Mr. G. was very much opposed to the move, but great dissatisfaction had arisen in the Institute. Some 40 girls had left - and all seemed to unanimously agree that I was the person for that place, and I have consented to go. Mr. Moseley is still President. They send me to Saltillo only for this year - I am perfectly willing to go and think it the thing for me to do.

Do write me Welborn's address. When did he leave? It is the hardest thing to get anything out of you all.

The missionaries all together make quite a respectable looking crowd. We wanted to have a group picture taken but have been too busy. I have met some new ones that I had not known before.

Write me at Guadalajara. We leave some time next week.


By Charlene Ochsner Carson
Page last updated: December 1, 2018


  1Mexico Missions, Southern Baptist International Mission Board Report, Accession No. 2640, May 6, 1887, Louisville, Kentucky, p.23.
  2Mexico Missions, Southern Baptist International Mission Board Report, Accession No. 2643, May 11, 1888, Richmond, Virginia, pp. 26-27.
  3Church Minutes Book 1, 1864 - 1890, First Baptist Church, Salado, Texas.
  4Mexico Missions, Southern Baptist International Mission Board Report, Accession No. 2650, May 06, 1892, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 48.

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Next page: Chapter 7: Good News for Guadalajara

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